What’s the best way to reach you with my questions?
Email parentsupport@codingnp.org
How do I sign up for class or camp?
- We provide intellectual engagement, social connection with other kids, and a creative outlet.
- We keep their attention while you focus on conference calls, work, or other demands on your time.
- We’re parents too and we know the importance of flexibility — plans change! If you find you can’t attend the class you registered, contact us to discuss your refund options or reschedule.
We place beginners with an orientation educator who assesses their current skill level, prepares them to join class, and helps us to place them thoughtfully in the classroom where they’ll be best served.Plus, your child will always be focused on their own project in class because we use non-sequential learning to help them tackle challenges as they arise – keeping them passionate about exploring their own ideas at every turn.
- High speed internet connection (cable, dsl, or LTE hotspot)
- Windows or Mac computer.
- Chromebooks work in a pinch, but have limited Zoom functionality.
- Speakers and a microphone (most laptops have these built in)
- Webcam (most laptops have these built in.)
- If you don’t have a built in webcam, you can join the meeting a second time with a smartphone or tablet, and prop it up to use as the camera. We need to see each other’s faces to teach effectively, so we use Zoom. Click here for detailed technical requirements.
- The Coding NP method focuses on the growth of each individual and our classes level up with them as they grow.
- Our online class size of 4-6 students allows your kids to get the individual attention they need.
- We take friend/family matching requests. As long as you can be flexible with your scheduling, we will do our best to make sure your child takes class with the people they care about.
- We’ll adjust your class schedule or reschedule a missed class with no penalty.
Our goal is to be the very best at teaching computer programming to kids in grades 3-5. Over the past 11 years, “Founder Dad” Eric Fredrickson has developed the “Creative Coding Method” of teaching kids to code at CreativeCoding.com, which he founded and ran from 2013-2024 prior to getting hired at our nonprofit Coding NP as Executive Director. His entire teaching staff followed him here and now teach for Coding NP, where they continue their legacy using these core principles of the Creative Coding Method.
- A friendly, safe environment for all genders. Boys and girls and every variation on the gender spectrum must feel welcome and safe. It’s been the core of our training from the very beginning. Everything starts with kids feeling safe and being kind to each other.
- Fun! The most important thing is to make sure the kids are having fun, and are fully engaged with their own creative project. We celebrate successes and mistakes. It’s all a part of their coding adventure. If they’re having fun as they create, we literally cannot stop them from learning!
- Creativity. Every class confronts your child with the question “What do you want to make?” Then we help them do it! Nothing is more exciting than your child’s own ideas. Every session is a non-sequential learning experience driven by their own project.
- Teaching Kids to Teach Themselves. Our teachers engage with students, and are trained to see non-verbal signs of frustration. They aren’t there to give answers, but to lead your child through the process of finding answers. By jumping in at the right time with effective questions, your child will discover and create their own solutions for bugs or new features. We are teaching them to teach themselves.
- Persistence. Coding is hard. Your child will fail a million times before they succeed – but it feels incredible when they face adversity and emerge victorious with a solution they discovered on their own! Our teachers give students guidance during this emotional cycle and help them navigate barriers. After taking our class, your kids will get excited about facing a tough problem because they’ve developed a taste for success. They’ll think, “Wow this is really hard… and it’ll feel GREAT when I succeed!”
We take several precautions to keep your kids safe.
- We record every class.
- We require reports on every class from our teachers.
- We use private Zoom Calls with waiting rooms. Teachers will never allow an uninvited guest to enter the online classroom.
- Only Coding NP employees and fellow parents will ever enter the online classroom.
- Unplug your webcam camera between classes or put it away.
- Only give your child access to their webcam under supervision.
If class is cost prohibitive and you truly have a need, we’ve formed partnerships with PTA’s, non-profits, and corporate sponsors to increase our ability to serve more kids. E-mail us at parentsupport@codingNP.org and we’ll reach out to discuss what options are available to you.